World's Largest Flat Mount

Mount Roraima became famous in 1912 when Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's fiction-writing a novel called The Lost World. she undergo a mountain climbing Roraima-to carry out exploration in search research and dinosaurs prehistoric plant species are believed to live in an isolated and unchanged for millions of years at the top of the mountain.

Conan-Doyle was inspired by the British botanist Everard Im Thurn is on December 18, 1884 by Harry Perkins, they are the first to reach the summit of Mount Roraima. Im Thurn and Perkins is not the first European to see Mount Roraima, the first Europeans who saw it was a German explorer Robert Schomburgk is a scientist and explorer the area of Britains Royal Society in 1838.

delivered his lecture in the expedition when it attended the Conan-Doyle. which later inspired him to explore the Mount Roraima

Im Thurn and Perkins climb Mount Roraima from the southeast in what is now called Im Thurn route, the only one of the easiest ways to reach the top. Im Thurn in the expedition had to fight also traveled hundreds of kilometers through rivers and forests are wild and dangerous beasts.

After Im Thurn and Perkins, a lot of British scientific expedition who came to collect and conduct research on the strange flora and fauna that exist in Mount Roraima and produced many new species that were there. and the mountain is already specified in the list of world heritage sites.


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