The biggest comb, in the world


Today bicycle into an object like a young child, and they also simultaneously support to green movement, so why not give the best ideas for all things related to bikes?

We publish a few posts the last two months around the bike racks are not uncommon. This design is very original and quite eye-catching. As seen in Monkeyzen, this is a giant comb that is used as a bike rack with a heavy wooden nearly 182 pounds!

The project was designed by the knowhow, a shop in LA, as a public art installation for the city of Roanoke. We really liked this idea and hope to see more similar projects in future.

Setelah semua, apa cara yang lebih baik untuk membangkitkan penggunaan sepeda di kota, daripada menyediakan penduduk dengan infrastruktur keren dan asli?[fps]


After all, there is a better way to evoke the use of bicycles in the city, rather than provide residents with the infrastructure cool and original? [Fps]

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