Nintendo Not Interested In Making Games For iPhone Or Android

Despite the announcement of a Pokemon app for iPhone, Nintendo is not planning on making games for iOS or Android smartphones. Nintendo spokesman Yasuhiro Minagawa told Bloomberg that Nintendo will only make games for its own hardware, a strategy that "hasn’t changed and won’t change."

He also pointed out that, while the Pokemon Company is expanding the franchise to iOS and Android, Nintendo is only a 32 percent shareholder in the company, which makes decisions independent of Nintendo.

However, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata says the company is still looking into the phone market, while at the same time making the company's concerns about the sector clear.

An article on Siliconera quotes Iwata as saying:

“If we had never considered combining a mobile phone and a handheld device, we would be negligent, but on the other hand, mobile phones are subject to monthly fees and we need to consider how well this would fit with game devices or how we should balance these aspects,” said Iwata . "Adding to this, mobile phone companies are generally divided by countries and when running a business on a worldwide basis, we need to consider in what conditions can we partner up with mobile phone companies around the world. Please understand that we are still researching these areas.”

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