Centralia, Mount Ghosts That Still Being a Mystery

 This was Centralia, a ghost town located in Columbia County, Pennsylvania, United States. Inhabited by more than 5,000 people in 1960. There are movie theaters, three schools, a dozen restaurants, post offices and 7 churches. It is a prosperous city of miners. Now only 4 people living there.
Most of the abandoned building has been destroyed by man or nature. At first glance, the region is now only visible field with a paved road that is around. Some areas are filled with newly planted forest trees

The church was left in a small town, St. Mary's, holds weekly services on Sunday and is not affected by the fire. The reason all this is mine fire that occurred in early 1960 and the remaining fires to this day still exist. This fire will continue burning for 250 years, even more

That's what David DeKok say about this town (1986): "This is a world in which man can not live, hotter than the planet Mercury, toxic atmosphere like Saturn. At the center of the flames, temperatures exceeding 1,000 degrees [Fahrenheit]. Lethal cloud of carbon monoxide and other gases spinning through space rock. "The fire is burning is gradually moving in all directions, threatening nearby towns. Ironically, the name of one of the nearest town is Ashland Centralia

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