5 facts about the death of Michael Jackson


 Sudden death of the King of Pop World a year had passed. Not only left a great influence in the music world, Michael Jackson is also known as a fashion icon from time to time.
Legendary black singer was often the center of attention and always be a trend. Not surprisingly, the fashion choices Michael regarded as an unforgettable legacy.

To commemorate the anniversary of his death exactly one year, on June 25 last year, following Jacko style that is always remembered in the fashion world, as quoted from shineyahoo.com:
# 1: Clothing colorful

The age of thirteen years, Michael has had several hits. And looks very groovy on stage with the models and patterns of colorful clothes. On December 1, 1971, the pop star the world has been good at combining color, pattern and size of clothes. Missoni-style shirt with kaleidoscopic patterned pants made his appearance attractive.
# 2: Costume sparkle

'Off the Wall' was Michael's fifth solo album, which was first produced and Quincy Jones. Through this album, Michael's increasingly known as a pop singer and her disco sound. In January 1979, eight months before releasing this album, Michael was wearing an ensemble that marked his appearance in the fashion world. Menswear with a basic white shirt paired with black pants, a sweater wrapped with sparkling plus a bow tie made him look stunning.
# 3: Red Leather Jacket

Bright red leather jacket worn Jacko on the show "Belt It" in 1983 made her an icon and imitated the world society.
# 4: Gloves sequined

Performances at Dodger Staduim, Los Angeles, in 1984, the King of Pop is wearing clothes that are a combination of several favorite fashion trends. Military-style jacket is abundant sequin increasingly showing its position in the fashion world. And, do not miss the legendary sequined glove.
# 5: Shades of black and white

Military style, with leather jackets and pants to be "trade mark" Jacko in every appearance. His appearance in the video clip "You Rock My World", is also not much different. Only a selection of colors softer clothes.
When not on stage, Jackson appears more casual and is often seen wearing a black and white shades. Before his death, when out of the house he often uses black glass eyes, cover your face, even her children had come to use it.

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