9 Films Hollywood's most controversial

1. 1. Da Vinci Code - 2006 Da Vinci Code - 2006
Di antara 9 film Hollywood paling kontroversial, inilah film yang paling kontroversial, karena film yang diangkat dari novel karya Dan Brown yang juga kontroversial, Da Vinci Code, membuat marah umat Nasrani di seluruh dunia sehingga syuting dan launchingnya saja didemo. Among the nine most controversial Hollywood movie, this is the film's most controversial, because the film adaptation of Dan Brown's novel is also controversial, Da Vinci Code, has angered Christians around the world so that the filming and launching demonstration only. Film ini bertutur tentang pembunuhan terhadap seorang orator museum yang akhirnya mengungkap suatu misteri yang tak bisa diterima umat Nasrani, yakni bahwa Maria Magdalena adalah istri Yesus, dan Yesus punya keturunan. This film tells about the murder of a museum orator who finally revealed a mystery which is unacceptable Christians, namely that Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus, and Jesus had descendants. Padahal selama ini umat Kristen meyakini kalau Maria Magdalena tak lebih dari seorang pelacur. And during these Christians believe that Mary Magdalene was no more than a prostitute.

2. 2. A Clockwork Orange - 1971 A Clockwork Orange - 1971
Karya sutradara Stanley Kubrick ini diangkat dari novel berjudul sama karya Anthony Burgess. Stanley Kubrick directed this novel of same name by Anthony Burgess titled. Film yang dibintangi Malcolm McDowell dan Patrick Magee ini bercerita tentang Geng Remaja yang hobby melakukan aksi kriminal seperti penganiayaan dan pemerkosaan. The film, starring Malcolm McDowell and Patrick Magee tells the story of a hobby Youth Gang perform criminal acts such as assault and rape. Secara tema, film ini menarik, namun penggarapannya mendapatkan kritikan dan kecaman karena adegan-adegan yang ditampilkan dianggap tak layak tayang. In theme, the film is interesting, but penggarapannya criticism and condemnation because of scenes that are displayed are considered unworthy of running. Bahkan sutradara film ini sempat diteror akan dibunuh oleh seseorang yang identitasnya hingga kini tak terungkap. Even the director of this film had terrorized will be killed by someone whose identity was not revealed until now. Namun demikian, film ini masuk nominasi Oscar, meski The French Connection lah yang berhasil menggondol penghargaan bergengsi di industri perfilman di Hollywood itu. However, the film earned an Oscar nomination, although The French Connection was the one who carried off the prestigious awards in the film industry in Hollywood.

3. 3. Basic Insting - 1992 Basic Instinct - 1992
Film yang disutradarai Paul Verhoeven ini bercerita tentang seorang detektif yang menyelidiki kasus pembunuhan dengan pemecah es. The film, directed by Paul Verhoeven tells the story of a detective investigating a murder case with an ice pick. Film yang dibintangi Michael Douglas dan Sharon Stone ini sukses besar, namun menuai kritik dan kecaman karena film thriller psikologi ini tak hanya mengumbar adegan seks secara vulgar, tapi juga karena kaum gay dan lesbian menganggap, penggambaran tokoh utamanya yang biseksual, dianggap terlalu berlebihan, terutama penggambarannya pada opening film. The film, starring Michael Douglas and Sharon Stone was a huge success, but drew criticism and condemnation because of this psychological thriller not only in vulgar indulgence in sex scenes, but also because gays and lesbians regard, the main character portrayal of a bisexual, was considered too excessive, especially depiction in the film opening.

4. 4. The Exorcist - 1971 The Exorcist - 1971
Film horor yang diangkat dari novel karya William Peter Blatty dengan judul yang sama ini dianggap sebagai film horor terbaik sepanjang masa di Hollywood. Horror film adaptation of William Peter Blatty's novel of the same name is regarded as the best horror movies of all time in Hollywood. Namun film tentang gadis kecil yang kerasukan setan ini dikecam habis karena mengumbar dialog yang dianggap kelewat batas. But the film about a demon-possessed little girl has been hammered out because of indulgence in a dialogue which is considered too far. Pasalnya, di antara dialog-dialog tersebut terdapat kata-kata vulgar yang tak layak diucapkan seorang anak, belum lazim digunakan masyarakat Amerika kala itu, dan ada juga kata-kata yang menghujat serta menghina Tuhan dan agama. Because of such dialogues are vulgar words are not spoken by a child's worth, not commonly used American society at that time, and there are also words that are blasphemous and insulting God and religion.

5. 5. Aladin - 1992 Aladdin - 1992
Film yang disutradarai Ron Clements dan John Musker, serta diangkat dari dongeng klasik Timur Tengah ini menjadi kontroversi karena ada dialog yang dianggap terlalu mendiskreditnya bangsa Arab. The film, directed by Ron Clements and John Musker, and lifted from the classic fairy tale Middle East has become controversial because there is dialogue that is considered too mendiskreditnya Arabs. Pasalnya, dalam film itu terdapat dialog yang bunyinya demikian; “orang Arab akan memotong telinga Anda, jika mereka tidak seperti wajah Anda." Kecaman antara lain datang dari The American-Arab AntiDiscrimination Committee (Komite Anti-Diskriminasi Amerika-Arab). Akhirnya film ini dirilis ulang setelah dialog tersebut diubah. Because, in the movie there is a dialogue that read thus: "the Arabs would cut off your ear if they do not like your face." Criticism, among others, comes from The American-Arab AntiDiscrimination Committee (Anti-Discrimination Committee American-Arab). Finally films This was re-released after the dialogue was changed.

6. 6. Brokeback Mountain - 2005 Brokeback Mountain - 2005
Film yang dibesut sutradara asal China ini, Ang Lee, berhasil menyabet piala Oscar, namun sempat dikritik habis karena meruntuhkan stigma tentang cowboy yang macho dan jantan. The film, directed by Chinese origin is, Ang Lee, successfully won the Oscar, but had been criticized for breaking down the stigma out of cowboy macho and manly. Pasalnya, film ini bercerita tentang 2 cowboy homo yang jelas saja jauh dari jantan. The reason is, this film tells the story of two gay cowboys who clearly have been far from manly. Apalagi karena adegan seks kedua tokohnya disajikan cukup vulgar. Moreover, because both characters are presented sex scenes quite vulgar. Selain itu, ketika film dirilis, di Amerika sedang hangat-hangatnya isu persamaan hak untuk kaum gay/lesbian yang pembahasannya hingga di parlemen. In addition, when the film was released, America was a warm-warm the issue of equal rights for gays / lesbians that discussion until the parliament.

7. 7. JFK - 1991 JFK - 1991
Film besutan sutradara Oliver Stone ini bercerita tentang pembunuhan Presiden Amerika John F Kennedy. The film made ​​by director Oliver Stone tells the story of the murder of American President John F Kennedy. Film ini sukses di pasaran, namun sempat menuai kontroversi, bahkan dicekal pemerintah Amerika karena plotnya dianggap sarat kebohongan. The film was successful in the market, but could reap the controversy, even the U.S. government banned because the plot is considered full of lies. Seperti kita ketahui, hingga kini kasus pembunuhan JFK memang masih misteri dan belum terungkap tuntas, meski pelakunya, Lee Harvey Oswald, telah diadili. As we know, until now the case of the JFK assassination is still a mystery and has not been completely revealed, although the culprit, Lee Harvey Oswald, had been tried.

8. 8. Cannibal Holocaust - 1980 Cannibal Holocaust - 1980
Film Karya Ruggero Deodato bercerita tentang 4 mahasiswa yang ingin membuat film dokumenter tentang suku kanibal di Amazon. Work Ruggero Deodato film tells the story of four college students who want to make a documentary about cannibal tribes in the Amazon. Begitu film ini diputar perdana di Milan, pengadilan setempat langsung menyitanya, sementara Deodato, sang produser, dijebloskan ke penjara karena pihak berwenang yakin film itu bukan rekaan, dan kematian para tokoh di film tersebut sungguhan. Once the film premiered at Milan, the local court immediately confiscated, while Deodato, the producer, sent to prison because the authorities believe the film is not fiction, and the deaths of the characters in the movie real. Untung saja para aktor pemeran itu kemudian muncul di TV dan menjelaskan kalau yang tergambar di film itu hanya rekayasa. Luckily, the actor then appeared on TV and explain that portrayed in the film it's just engineering. Mereka adalah aktor-aktor amatiran yang tidak dikenal, dan bersedia diberi honor rendah. They are amateur actors who are not known, and are willing to be a low fee.

9. 9. Calligula - 1979 Calligula - 1979
Film karya karya Tinto Brass ini bercerita tentang Calligula, kaisar Romawi yang kontroversial. Works of Tinto Brass film tells the story of Calligula, a controversial Roman emperor. Namun begitu film ini dilaunching, film ini juga menuai kontroversi karena penggarapan film ini sangat vulgar sehingga dikategorikan film XXX alias film porno. But once the film is launched, the film is also controversy because the filming is so vulgar that XXX aka movies categorized porn movies. Akibatnya, meski biaya pembuatan film ini merupakan yang terbesar dalam sejarah perfilman Hollywood kala itu, namun film ini juga merupakan film yang paling rugi dalam sejarah Hollywood hingga saat ini karena tak bisa tayang bebas di bioskop-bioskop. Consequently, although the cost of making this film was the biggest in the history of Hollywood cinema at the time, but this film is also the film's most losses in the history of Hollywood to this day because they can not appear free in cinemas.

  kaskus.us Sources: kaskus.us

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