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On the dating system in the Calendar Mayan / Mayan Calendar who is the most accurate calendar to date who ever existed on earth. (The calculation of the Mayan Calendar from 3113 BC to 2012 AD), they (the Mayans) stated in 2012, precisely on December 21, 2012, an "End of Times". The purpose of the "End of Times" itself is still debated by scientists, and archaeologists. And Then In 2012 Will Happen:
1. Stopping time (the earth stops spinning) 2. The transition from the Age of Pisces to Aquarius 3. The transition from the Silver Age to the Age of golden 4. = End of Times End of the World as We Know it 5. There will be a huge galactic Wave, which lay all the activities on this earth, including human extinction 6. The change of dimension 3 to dimension 4, even 5 7. Human life is increased from the level of dimension 3, 4, human DNA increased from 2 to 12 strains, so that people can use telekinesis telepathy even 8. Someone said it would not happen 9. Some claimed the time was not take effect, so time is not linear, but can vary, according to the time that we experience, because the invention of time machines 10. The discovery of a time machine and stargate 11. Humans are able to transport to another galaxy, through the stargate 12. The rise of the messiah, who will save mankind from destruction 13. Resurrection of Jesus AS / Jesus 14. First Contact was first human civilizations with the Alien / UFO 15. Humans join the community between the first galaxies, galaxy being human = In the Mayan calendar which is very famous, predicted that in the period 1992-2012 the earth will be "purified", then human civilization will end this now and start entering a new civilization.
In the history of ancient civilizations of the world, the Mayans are known to master knowledge of cosmography special and deep, perfect dating system, an elaborate astronomical calculations and methods of abstract thought that high. Perfection and accuracy of the The times make people wonder. This mysterious group of people who lived in southern Mexico today (Yucatan) Guatemala, northern Belize and western Honduras. Lots of pyramids, temples and ancient buildings built by the Maya who still can be found there. There are also many stone carvings and mysterious writings on the tables that they left behind. Archaeologists believe that the Maya had a remarkable civilization. It can be seen from relics such as books, tables of stone and the stories are mystical. But unfortunately their books in the library Maya everything was burned by the Spanish army when it attacked the post in 1517. Only a few writings on the tables and calendars that confuse some systems remained until now. An American historian, Dr.. Jose Arguelles devoted himself to study the civilization of this nation. He explore the Mayan prophecy that was built on the foundation created the nation's calendar, where this kind of prediction just like the way the calculation of China, Zhou Yi-style. Calendar, an outline describing the law of celestial cycles and their relationship to human change. In the work of Arguelles, The Mayan Factor: Path Beyong Technology, published by Bear & Company in 1973, mentioned in the Mayan calendar was noted that the galaxy of our solar system are experiencing 'The Great Cycle' (big cycle) with a maturity of five thousand two hundred years more .
The time from 3113 BC to 2012 AD In this great cycle, the solar system and earth are being moved across a galaxy beam (Beam Galatic) derived from the galactic core. The diameter of the horizontal rays of this earth is 5125 years old. In other words, if the earth across the beam and it will take 5125 years. Mayans believed that all celestial bodies in the galaxy after experiencing a reaction from the galaxy light in this great cycle, there will be changes in total. Maya people call it, the alignment of galaxies (Galatic Synchronization). Major cycle is divided into 13 stages, each stage of evolution have very detailed records. Arguelles in his book that uses lots of diagrams to tell the condition of evolution at every stage. Then each phase was subdivided into 20 evolutionary time. Every time it would take 20 years. From the 20 years between 1992-2012, the earth we have entered the last stage of the phase of the Great Cycle, the Mayans think this is the crucial period before the pre-Galatic Synchronization, they named it: The Earth Generetion Priod (Earth Regeneration Period). During this period the earth will reach a total purification. After that, the earth we will leave the galaxy and the reach of light entering a new phase: the alignment of galaxies. On December 21, 2012 will be the day of expiration of the civilization of mankind this time, in the calculation of the Mayan calendar. After that, mankind will enter a totally new civilization that has nothing to do with civilization today. On that day, exactly winter arrived, the sun will rejoin formed by the intersections of the ecliptic (the path of the sun) the equator in total. At that moment, the sun was right in the middle between the galaxy system, or in other words, the galaxy is located above the earth, like opening a "door to Heaven" for mankind. Starting 1992, the earth into what the Mayans called 'Earth Regeneration Period ". In this period, Earth was purified, including the human heart, (this is almost like a prophecy of North-American Indians against the people today), substances that do not will either be removed, and the substance is good and right will be preserved, eventually aligned with the galaxy (natural universe), this is the outcrop mystery of our galactic system of movement shown by the Mayans. From 1992 to 2012, what happened "purification" and how it happened anyway "regeneration" on our earth, not mentioned in detail by the Mayans. In their forecasts did not mention anything about what concrete things that give the human spirit to rise from the consciousness and how the earth had permurnian, abandoned by them to their grandchildren (perhaps not recorded). So, what new phenomena that we can see from 1992 till now that we can associate with the Mayan prophecy that civilized? Maybe it is set, that the Mayan calendar is not lost and the history of mankind, and should be described with the code by humans now. But he remains to be seen whether human beings are fascinated by the conception that is formed after birth can penetrate the boundaries to remind and understand the truth that transcends our knowledge system. Actually, if the review of several studies that have been made at this time. Indeed in some two decades, the earth is undergoing a cycle called the magnetic pole reversal. Magnetic pole reversal is a process that occurs at the north pole and south poles switch places with each other. When this happens, for some time Earth's magnetic field reaches zero Gauss, which means the earth at that time has zero magnetism. When this occurs along with eleven annual perbalikan polar orbits the sun, big problems will occur. According to computer calculations of Hyderabad, a polar reversal of Earth and the Sun can cause major problems other than electronic does not work properly, migrating birds lose the bow, and various kinds: 1. Immune system, including all animals and humans will be much weakened. 2. The outer layer of the earth will experience volcanoes, tectonic movements, earthquakes, and landslides. 3. Earth's magnetic field will be weakened and the radiation of the universe comes from the sun increased manifold resulting in the radiation hazards like cancer and so can not be avoided 4. Celestial bodies will be attracted into the Earth 5. Earth's gravity will change although it is unknown how he will change. If you add all the disaster scenarios that might happen, you can easily tell with these simple words, Earth may become a place not fit to live in human civilization in 2012 or those who live near the outer layer of the earth. This may be happening on Mars millions of years ago. Might be true what is said about the destruction of Mayan people in 2012 perdaban tomorrow, it certainly can be seen from the properties of the people of today are how moral, behavior has greatly declined and nature-may seem less friendly to us. In Indonesia alone an astrologer says, "in the year 2012 the total population in Indonesia is about 40%". Then when asked why, he said, "that year a major catastrophe will hit the Earth as a Global, probably in every state eventually leaving only 30% -40% life to rebuild a new life". Similar predictions are also expressed by some monks in Tibet which is famous for his mastery of clairvoyance is very good. They said at the beginning of 2012 is the year's most exciting for mankind on Earth, where at the beginning of the year, some strange phenomena will be popping up a lot. But in closing, the Monk says the Earth will be saved by a great power that protects them by naked eye, thus allowing human civilization is not completely destroyed. In the 10 years Master Li Hongzhi taught the principle of the universe characters "Zhen-Shan-Ren" (Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance) the effect to purify the hearts of man and nature. In a short time follower of mind and body cultivation practice this has already surpassed the 200 million people spread over 60 countries. Through the continuous cultivation of these exercises can menyapai goals replace the cells of the human body with high energy content by increasing human moral character in accordance with the universe. No one can predict exactly when the apocalypse comes. But on the other hand, there will be a regeneration of a civilization which predicted the Mayan People Ditahun 2012. This is not a destruction of the universe as a whole (So it can not mean the actual end), maybe later on a piece of the human beings are saved from disaster to rebuild a new civilization milestone better and more moral than we are.
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