Warframe Game Review

User gameplay videos are starting to surface for Digital Extremes' free-to-play third-person shooter, Warframe.

 The game sports fast and furious action, a dark setting and some neat melee-based combat mechanics. The sci-fi settings and guttural sound effects really help bring Warframe to life as a sort of 3D Guyver game.

DSO Gaming spotted the new trailer from YouTube commentator ChronicExe. The lengthy video contains an entire mission that goes from start to finish, giving gamers a complete look at the game, which is currently undergoing closed-beta testing. Check it out below.

This game looks better than most games' cinematic sequences. That's really saying something.

My only gripe would be that the AI needs some improvements to provide a bit more of a challenge or diversity to the gameplay, and they need to initiate more tactics fitting the narrative of the missions as opposed to just being spurts of opposition every once in a while.

For now, though, Warframe is shaping up to be one of the best looking games of 2013. You can sign-up for the beta right now by paying a visit to the game's Official Website.

Source www.cinemablend.com/

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